发表于: 来自:威能
威能集团董事总经理 Dr.Andree Groos 致中国威能大家庭的一封信
Hello and Nihao to all our partners, friends, collegues and to all Vaillant family in China
Hello and Nihao to all our partners, friends, collegues and to all Vaillant family in China
I am travelling three to four times a year normally to China and that’s why I know how important for you in China health and well-being is. That’s why I am deeply affected how hard the virus is effecting you and how you are hit by the current situation.
I am strongly convinced of the strength of the Chinese people and the Chinese economy. That’s why the current situation doesn’t change our overall strategy to further invest into China.
This is now perhaps the time of consolidation, we have now time to do things which get lost in the normal operational hectic of a day like life-long learning, further education or the improvement of processes.
Take this time and take this opportunity to really invest in those things where we normally don’t have time for.
Our company has a history of 145 years. In those 145 years we have seen other crises and even wars and difficult situations. I am very convinced that we will stand through this crisis situation together with you and that we will keep on investing in our vision “Taking care of a better climate, inside each home and the world around it”
We are in close contact with our colleagues and partners in China. We will go through this situation together and we will try to support the outmost from Europe to overcome this virus and the spreading of this virus.
My thoughts are with those who are personally affected by the virus at the moment. Either yourself or within your families or your friends. I hope and pray that they get well soon. For all the others please stay safe and do the outmost to avoid the spreading of the virus.
Wuhan Jiayou ,Zhongguo Jiayou
确实诚如Dr.Andree Groos所言,自1995年,威能正式进入中国市场以来,我们用25年的时间深刻的融入到了百万个中国家庭的生活之中。
- 下一篇: 一图读懂关键时期你为什么需要空气净化器
- 上一篇: 又丧又颓的日子里,一份煲仔饭燃起我的青春斗志